See here for episode 1, here for episode 2, here for episode 3, here for episode 4, and here for episode 5.
Well, the newest session has rolled around, and the players are about the enter the crisis that is Chapter 3 of this adventure. I hope that you all enjoy.
Everyone managed to attend, so it seemed like the group might have some interesting revelations this time. Once again, here is the cast of characters:
Banjo, a Ghostwise Halfling Druid who was raised by Stout Halfling Folk and is always concerned about his appearance given his strange ghostwise nature.
Frizzt Fo'Yrden from house House Faen Tlabbar. Called Frizzt because a little farm boy that befriended him along with the family as he surfaced called him that. They heard of stories of Drizzt and the boy kept referring to him as Frizzt so it stuck - also threw off the scent of others Drow who might be looking for him as his real name, "Alakagh Torval Faen Tlabbar of house Faen Tlabber."
Tsunami, a Water Genasi Bard eager to be as famous as she could possibly be.
Appotus, a Half-Elven Monk who lives outside of the law.
Goose, a Lightfoot Halfling Bard who is illiterate and abysmal at lying.
And then there was King, a High Elven Wizard who worships Oghma the god of knowledge.
The dock ward is almost always bustling, full of sailors and traders seeking their newly imported wares.
As the sun dawned over the dock ward, the heroes' nimblewright detector started to whiz and spin. Soon it became clear that the nimblewright was close... eventually they managed to triangulate its position around a ship: The Heartbreaker. Quickly the heroes scampered aboard the docked ship, spotting many workers unloading many different cages holding a myriad of strange creatures. As they boarded they couldn't help but feel a strange tingle upon their flesh, like water trickling down their skin. Nevertheless, as they emerged onto the deck they happened to notice that on the level above them, the nimblewright walked out of sight. They swiftly ran up onto the upper deck and accosted the automaton only to be questioned by the first mate, a human who introduced himself as "Solon." Solon informed the heroes that this nimblewright was just a simple servant and "attractions, nothing more." Nevertheless, the heroes were interested about this whole scenario and Solon informed them that he was first mate of the Heartbreaker, a ship in Zardoz Zord's Sea Maiden's Faire. Intrigued about the mysterious Zardoz Zord, they inquired further, only to be informed that Solon might be able to arrange a meeting for them. All the while, Solon seemed to be rather concerned with the sun, which was rising above the horizon at this time, and kept staring into Appotus, for some reason. And, as the heroes departed, Banjo managed to hear under his breath the human mutter "filthy elves." It seemed that racism proliferated the Docks Ward. It's a good thing that they were situated in the North Ward!

The Apparatus of Kwalish is most certainly an intriguing invention
As the heroes headed back to their tavern, Frizzt received an urgent missive from Vajra Blackstaff, leader of Force Gray. It seemed that there was a Dragon in the bay of Waterdeep terrorizing the sailors there and he was to investigate immediately. After all, a Dragon is no small matter. Rushing back towards the Dock Ward, Frizzt arrived at the Mistshore, a sort of ship graveyard that allowed easy access to the harbor, he investigated the going-ons at Mistshore in order to figure out what happened, he eventually came upon an elven sailor delivering a great tale of woe unto a gathered crowd of other sailors. "It leapt right out'a tha' blue. Scales glimmering, it was a beauty, but I wasn't going to let it get me, no siree. When it shot out'a tha' water it was sayin' somethin' ta' me. I can only assume how tasty I'd be in its stomach, I was frightened out'a me wits! I got there as fast as Umberlee'd carry me." Intrigued Frizzt waited until the elf, whose name was Lashurien, had finished his story and quickly questioned him further. From what he gathered, the "terr-able" beast had been saying something about how the dragon wanted to "see how maidens fare" or similar. Lashurien admitted that he might have had a bit too much to drink that day. Frizzt thanked Lashurien for his information and tried to find a way to get underwater. It was at that point when he saw a strange device, a massive metallic crab positioned on a raised platform. Asking around about what the contraption was, it was apparently the pet project of a Grinda Garloth, whose house was adjacent to the platform. Frizzt inquired at her house and an old woman dressed rather haphazardly opened the door. He questioned what the invention next to her house was and Grinda responded that it was a submersible apparatus capable of braving the depths of the harbor. Realizing he could use the device to try and find the dragon, Frizzt requested use of it. Grinda responded that she would lend it to him as long as she received half of any treasure he found when searching the depths, believing he would be using it to search for buried treasure. Frizzt eagerly accepted and thus got into the apparatus, which was chalk-full of gears, levers, and buttons. No sooner had he gotten strapped in however, when Grinda sent the apparatus into the harbor with the push of a button. Pulling levers and pressing buttons, eventually managed to somehow make the crab-like machine swim down into the harbor, when suddenly he saw a strange shape in the water...

Waterdeep has many different fashion styles, being a major metro
Meanwhile, the rest of the group helped to work at the tavern. However, strangely they started finding holes all around the walls of the tavern in addition to even more crumbs like they had found previously. It was all rather odd, as Kelso and Lif always swept up the tavern at the end of the day and they had just opened, but quickly Goose had Threestrings begin working on boarding up the holes. Suddenly, however, they were surprised to hear a symphony of trumpets right outside their door. Heading out they were greeted by a symphony of trumpets and an elaborately dressed man stepped onto their door. The immaculate gentleman wore several finely-crafted pieces a clothing, a jacket with coattails (in the summertime!), silken pants, and several hats stacked on top of each other. The man introduced himself as J.B. Nevercott, clothier extraordinaire. In an effort to not be outdone, Goose weaved an illusion so that he also had more hats than Nevercott, but no sooner had he done so, when Nevercott was wearing two more hats! Goose grumbled in defeat while Nevercott informed the heroes that they had been invited to enjoy a fine meal aboard The Eyecatcher, the headship of "the illustrious captain of The Sea Maiden's Faire, Zardoz Zord himself!" Nevercott also recommended that the heroes check out his shop should they ever need any... improvements, but that he suffered from short-term memory loss so they might not remember them. Suddenly the symphony of trumpets started up again, only this time behind the heroes. And just as they whirled around to find the origin of the fanfare, J.B. had vanished.

Bronze Dragons are metallic dragons, seeking peace and coexistence with humanoids. They are known for their beautiful undersea caverns which they call home.
A massive dragon, slightly larger than Frizzt's crab machine shot through the water and unfurled itself, fangs and all before the metallic intruder. In a terrifying growl it threatened: "WHO ARE YOU? WHY HAVE YOU INTRUDED ON MY DOMAIN?" Frizzt quickly let out a response in the form of a frightened shriek:
"I'm Frizzt, I'm - I'm just trying to figure out why you're here, o' great dragon." At which point the fearsome beast's wings retracted and it seemed to shrink somewhat.
"Oh, I see, my bad dude, I just thought you were like, a weird metal thing if you catch my drift." Utterly confused by what just happened, Frizzt realized that based on the creature's size the dragon was likely no more than eighty years or so -- a young dragon by most metrics. Apparently, the dragon, whose name was Zelifarn, had come to the Harbor to observe The Sea Maiden's Faire, he had heard that it was a most wonderful spectacle, and although he couldn't enter the city because of the force field, he still wanted to observe it from the sea. Frizzt was still rather confused, but the dragon seemed relatively harmless, and metallic dragons are known to be much less hostile than their chromatic counterparts. Therefore Frizzt found his reasoning well... reasonable. Nevertheless, he still questioned what the dragon was doing terrorizing sailors. At that Zelifarn shook his head rapidly, he hadn't meant to hurt any sailors. He simply was lonely. He had played nearly a couple hundred games of Dragonchess by himself, and cards for solitaire don't work too well underwater. He had started exploring the harbor, but the dragon turtle and the manta ray didn't seem to want to talk to him, not even the old people inside of the manta ray. Frizzt was rather confused about the last point but decided not to push farther. Thus, he decided to ask about the force field. Apparently, Waterdeep was protected by a magical force field that hedged out dragons but Zelifarn knew not the cause of this protective shell, just that many dragons had tried to enter and none had succeeded. Satisfied with his investigation, Frizzt decided to report to Vajra with the results of his investigation and return the metal apparatus back to Grinda. He sadly informed her that he was unable to collect any gold, which she was rather upset about, rebutting him by saying that she would not let him use it ever again!

The Sea Maidens Fair has just come to Waterdeep, and already thousands of people are flocking to its tents!
The heroes then accepted the offer of a feast (although King decided to maintain the tavern) from Zardoz Zord, captain of the Sea Maiden's Faire. Frizzt joined back up with them just in time to board a small skiff that set out across the Great Harbor and eventually they arrived at Deepwater Harbor and subsequently, The Eyecatcher. The great galley stood magnificently as the only ship in the harbor. Massive tents stood all around the ship and many sailors were traveling about the ship, hoisting packages and other objects of import as was their job. Eventually, the skiff reached the harbor and their captain, a young half-elven boy around fifteen years of age, bid them adieu. As they stepped upon the gangplank, trumpets sounded from all around and a magnificent carpet of red silk was rolled out before them. Once more, the heroes felt a tingling upon their flesh, but unlike before when it seemed to recede, Frizzt felt it almost persist, like a feather constantly tickling at his skin. As the group hesitantly boarded The Eyecatcher they found the great Dining Hall, at which there was a great feast laid out before them and seven chairs drawn
, except one was taken, by Zardoz Zord himself.
The captain of the Sea Maiden's Faire, dressed rather... strappingly.
Also I apologize for the quality, it's hard to find a good picture of this.
The heroes were rather... taken aback by the captain before him, but he flashed a brilliant smile in their direction and bid them sit. He introduced himself as, of course, Zardoz Zord, the maestro and captain of the greatest seafaring carnival on all the Sword Coast. As they began to eat the heroes found the food expertly made, meat that would melt in one's mouth, fruits and vegetables that felt like an explosion of flavor, and some of the finest wine they ever had. Soon they got to conversation and Zardoz told his story, he was a young lad brought up in the greatest city in all of Faerun: Luskan. He worked hard, training as an apprentice under many a master until he eventually joined the sailing business. He soon got enough money to purchase his own ship and began sailing up and down until he ran into a carnival, from there he figured that while overland carnivals bring joy, nothing can match the speed of a swift galley with the wind at her back. Thus, he produced his own carnival and
The Sea Maiden's Faire was born. All the while, however, he seemed to be ignoring Frizzt. He then asked the names of all the other heroes and for them to tell their own story. Banjo spoke of how he was the last of his ghostwise halfling family, which Zardoz noted was a honor to bear. Goose was not entirely sure where he was from, and as a result, tried to mimic Zardoz's mannerisms and tell a similar story. Zardoz, although undoubtably confused still took an immediate shining towards Goose, enjoying his tale as it reminded of something that he just couldn't quite place his finger on. Appotus spoke of how he grew up on the streets of Waterdeep, which Zardoz was very glad to hear. After all, Waterdhavians are full of grit, and Appotus seemed to be the embodiment of that! He was rather appreciative of a fellow entertainer in the form of Tsunami, but when it tame for Frizzt to introduce himself, Zardoz recalled a hero of some kind with a similar name: "Drip." Frizzt, of course, quickly corrected the sea captain, noting that the legendary drow hero's name was, in fact, "Drizzt." However, Zardoz asserted that he knew better than Frizzt, and quickly launched into a story of how "Drip" wasn't all he was cracked up to be.

Legendary Hero Drizzt Do'Urden is famous throughout the realms as an example of how not all Drow are evil, and that there is good in all of us.
Zardoz informed "Frip" that he had heard of "Drip," and honestly, "Drip's" story of how heroic he was, was... exaggerated. "Drip" was just a lazy drow who came to the surface and took heroic endeavors from others. And honestly, he didn't work the system that he came from, he just fled from it. Not only that, but he had actually met "Drip" in the past and he was just this self-righteous idiot, always getting manipulated by... people. He seemed to pause on that last line, if just for a moment. At any rate, Zardoz continued his story of "Drip" and it only made "Frip" more upset, however he held it in. Eventually, Zardoz finished his critique the drow hero and left Frizzt practically being held back by his companions. Nevertheless, Zardoz then transitioned to asking the heroes why they were searching his ship and the adventurers informed him of their Nimblewright issue. Zardoz then told the heroes how every year he visits the distant island of Lantan, technologically advanced worshippers of Gond. This year previous he had noticed the nimblewright as a recent invention, and as a result, bought the entire stock of them, as well as some other of their newest creations. Nevertheless, he asserted that they were perfectly harmless just as one refilled Goose's drink. He keeps one aboard his two other vessels and two on this one. Curious on his thoughts about Waterdeep, Zardoz noted that he was originally from Luskan and travelled up and down the sword coast, so "Every city has its problems, I suppose. My job is to make people forget about politics for a while, however." They then engaged in further conversation, with Zardoz paying close attention to Goose, Appotus, Banjo, and Tsunami when they talked. Eventually, Zardoz decided to give the group a great showcase of
The Sea Maiden's Faire's spectacles. Frizzt decided not to go, though, but requested a quick favor from Goose: That, when out of the view of the captain, Goose would cloak Frizzt in a shimmering illusion that would reflect all light, rendering him virtually invisible as long as he did not make too much movement, but ending when he made an attack or cast a spell of some kind. Thusly cloaked, Frizzt decided to stick behind in the dining hall and wait for their eventual return, whereupon he might be able to deliver some sweet justice...
Most male drow choose to become Wizards, but some make their way from under the thumb of the matriarchy entering the mercenary company Bregan D'aerthe as assassins for hire.
The heroes travelled with Zardoz to the big tent, but along the way Banjo, trying to decipher if Zardoz was racist against dark elves baited him. "Oh man, I hate how drow are stealing our jobs, don't you?" However, Zardoz seemed to do a practical one-hundred and eighty degree turnaround.
"Banjo? What do you mean? And here I thought you would be someone who might understand the plight of the drow..." Confused by his newfound attitude the group talked amongst themselves, but when they arrived at the tent Zardoz brought them to, they were astounded. The tent seemed to almost be bigger on the inside (or is it smaller on the outside?) as within its interior, a massive array of ropes and trapezes were set up. Swinging upon which several human male acrobats with seemingly superhuman agility and grace, even for acrobats. "Truly a wonder to behold, eh?" The maestro asked, but the heroes could barely respond. Stupefied by the presentation. Then Zardoz leapt atop a podium and soon male human dancers filed around him. A symphony of erupted into illustrious music and Zardoz put on what, by some could be seen as, the greatest show. Eventually, when all the performers had finished their showcase, the group headed back to the dining hall, however when they all returned to the "empty" room Zardoz began querying where their drow had run off to and assumed that "he must be like that 'hero' Drip, always ignoring his friends." This was the pin that shattered the camel's back, as while he was still invisible Frizzt snuck up behind the captain and was about to strangle him, when suddenly Zardoz grabbed his invisible assailant and flipped him over onto the deck, drew his rapier and thrust it until it sat like a delicately balanced pin on Frizzt's neck. "Well done." The captain said, and suddenly a triumphant symphony of trumpets started playing behind them, but as they whirled around Zardoz had vanished. As they departed back to the mainland, having a feeling that the feast was over, the skipper of the small skiff happened to make mention to Frizzt of how "You must've been worshipped, Zardoz loves drow!" Utterly confused with the procession of events, the heroes returned to their tavern for the night.

The streets of Waterdeep are crowded with houses, people, and businesses
With the next day dawning the group awoke to find relatively fewer people than past days. King even noticed that several of his standard patrons were passing by the tavern whispering about the "rat place." Kelso was helping out, Threestrings played his medleys, Bonnie served customers, even Lif was working as efficiently as ever, but nonetheless the Lively Spirit was feeling less... lively. Realizing that they had to do something about this rat issue, Banjo decided to follow the holes to their source. Transforming himself into a rat he snuck down through the rat holes, only to find himself... in the sewers. It would take days to sort out even a minor chunk of twisting and turning passageways under the city of Waterdeep, but the heroes thought that these rats must originate from close by, and thus set off through the grimy sewers. However, right as they did so, they heard a whirring - the nimblewright detector had gone off.

The gates of Waterdeep stand resolute, and although they protect the city from land invaders... what good would walls do against winged dragons?
Quickly the group rushed through the sewers, and as they emerged from its gunk-filled depths they found themselves outside of a Gralhund Villa. By now the detector was whizzing around rapidly. Appotus suddenly realized that the Zhentarim agents who had perished in the fireball were staying at the Gralhund Villa, although why the nimblewright would be at the same location as the Zhentarim agents who it had killed, the group had no idea. Quickly they began to case the villa. Realizing that they might not have too much time until the nimblewright must split, but wanting to remain stealthy, they snuck inside of the stables, luckily no neighbors spotted them, but it soon became apparent that nobody from inside spotted them either, as the stables seemed abandoned. Several horses whinnied, from inside their stalls, but other than that they were alone. Thus, they continued their stealthy entrance into the Gralhund Villa. Just as they were about to break out into the open, however, they heard ravenous barking. Pressing themselves up against the walls, the heavy footfalls of several mastiffs could be heard, but not a single hero moved. Eventually the barks receded, and the heroes made a mad dash into the villa. At first, they were confused, as the kitchen which they entered again seemed abandoned, and what self-respecting noble villa's kitchen would be empty? They pressed further and what they saw, shocked them.

Lady and Lord Gralhund, heads of the house's mercantile business.
Littering the floor of the great hall were bodies, strewn haphazardly all around the room. Blood splattered the magnificent painting of house Gralhund (Lord and Lady Gralhund, their children, and a dog) and several tapestries on the wood paneled walls, and served as a tablecloth to the massive crimson larchwood dining table. Standing atop the chaos were two men dressed in black leather armor weilding dual maces. Both wheeled around to face the heroes who had just stumbled into this bloodbath and, wearing the image of a winged snake on their left shoulder, charged the adventurers. Luckily, these thugs were no match for the outnumbering heroes and they quickly fell to their combined might. However, just as soon as the fighting finished, the sound of steel on steel could be heard from above. Eager to save as many lives as possible, the heroes hastily crossed over the bodies of nearly eight dead Gralhund-trained mercenaries and several other Zhentarim thug corpses and rushed up the stairs. As the sound of fighting grew louder and louder, the adventurers eventually managed to find its source. A battle between House Gralhund's mercenaries and Zhentarim thugs was underway, but it seemed to be just a distraction. The mercenaries seemed to be fighting to keep the Thugs out of the master bedroom, while the Zhentarim were trying to keep the mercenaries away from the rather loud sound of someone slamming a heavy boot into another door. Not knowing who exactly to trust, the heroes tried to make their way through the melee, taking a couple blows in the chaos and find out the source of the bashing. However, as they passed they just barely managed to make out Lady Gralhund herself wielding a elegantly gold-lined rapier, imperiously shouted that "The City Watch is on the way!" while a stern-faced half-orc hefting a morningstar stood at her side should the Zhentarim break through the mercenaries' defense. Nevertheless, the adventurers made it through the twisting and turning chaos of dead mercenaries and rooms until they eventually found him.

A badly burnt Urstul Floxin is not someone who you want to deal with.
With his injuries still present, Urstul Floxin wheeled around to face the heroes. A third of his face had been burnt so that all that remained of it was crisp red char. He grasped his sword and the heroes heard a silent curse under his breath "Out of poison..." as he then stared into their eyes, a rage and malice burning like a bonfire bore into their souls. "Lord Gralhund isn't accepting any visitors right now, but my sword still needs to be sated, I guess you'll do... for now." He lept into the fray, sword in hand, kicking the heroes over and stabbing them through the chests. It was chaos, as soon as they thought they had dealt some form of damage, Urstul would smack them to the floor. They only managed to just barely survive without any deaths from the healing words of Tsunami, Banjo, and Goose. Eventually, drained of nearly all stamina and spells, Urstul wiped the blood from Frizzt's most recent scimitar slash onto his sleeve and leapt through the second-story window. "Well played, but rest assured, we'll meet again." Were his final words as with a tumble he dissapeared out of sight. Too weary and injured to follow the heroes instead inquired at the door. It was soon revealed that cowering behind this door was Lord Orond Gralhund, who would dare not let anyone in, at least, until Banjo turned into a massive bear and slammed through the makeshift barricade the nobleman had created. With a shriek the pitiful Lord fell to his knees and divulged all that he knew. Apparently, the Zhentarim, under Urstul Floxin had been willing to work with the Gralhunds, exchanging resources and information for the Gralhunds bankrolling all of their plots, including kidnapping Renaer Neverember and stealing the
Stone of Golorr from Dagult's gnomish spy: Dalakhar. It seemed as if this
Stone of Golorr was an ancient creature transformed into an artifact, and it knows the location of a hidden vault in Waterdeep containing half a million dragons. Yalah had made a deal with Urstul that should she help him recover this
Stone, they would split the treasure. However, due to the Zhents lack of progress over the past couple of tenday (and the fact that Renaer slipped from their fingers), Yalah became frustrated and made a deal with someone else. "I don't really know who, my wife does all of the networking." Thus she sent the nimblewright along with her
Necklace of Fireballs to retrieve the stone, and while it slew Dalakhar it caught Urstul and his cronies in the crossfire as well. Urstul stole the stone, and when he returned here to demand vengeance, Orond ordered his men on Urstul. But Urstul must have slew them and escaped. Last he recalled his wife handed the
Stone of Golorr to her automaton agent and it vanished. Only then did Orond hear those slimy snakes coming and boarded himself up in the guest bedroom. He had no idea whom his wife had made the deal with, and he didn't care, that was her job in the business. It was at that point when the group heard the sounds of the watch, and they realized that should they be caught, they'd be found guilty of trespassing and murder. Quickly they fled from the estate, hoping to lie low for a while, and when they checked their nimblewright detector it seemed as if Orond was telling the truth, the device was no longer whirring and whizzing. The nimblewright had escaped, along with the
Stone of Golorr.
Waterdeep sports numerous different publications, each of which have a wide audience.
As the heroes woke up the next day rather sore from their most recent escapade in the Gralhund Villa they discovered a stack of newspapers on their (and all of their neighbors') doorstep(s). Apparently the Wazoo, the Sentinel, the Watchman, and the Dock Ward Dispatch all had the blazing new headline of "The Gralhund Villa Bloodbath" according to the expose, the Gralhunds had been held hostage for more than a tenday by agents of the Black Network. Most of the Zhentarim were killed during a bloody revolt led courageously by Lord Gralhund himself. The Zhent leader, a man named Urstul Floxin remains at large. The Watchman noted that the city Watch currently has its top detectives concerned with finding him, while the Wazoo noted that its possible that Urstul is actually hiding out inside Gralhund Villa, and the Gralhunds have him in their employment, creating a carefully choreographed scene with actors to portray the Villa being under attack, if there even is an Urstul at all. However, the Sentinel also informed its readers that robes and holy symbols of Asmodeus were discovered in the Gralhund's bedroom. Although the worship of the archdevil himself is not illegal, it is most certainly frowned upon and it seemed that already the Gralhunds were losing mercenary contacts from this new insight. One final note that all of the newspapers seemed to agree on (even the Wazoo) was that the guard and the watch were increasing their forces tenfold against the Zhentarim, cracking down on anyone who was even remotely related to their dealings... this last note gave Appotus pause.

Sometimes, looks can be deceiving...
Interrupting their discussions on this new information, a blast of trumpets erupted from outside and suddenly they saw J.B. Nevercott on their doorstep once more. The flamboyant clothier greeted the heroes and informed them that he had a little favor to ask of them. There was apparently a man who came to J.B.'s store named Laertes Hansberg. All J.B. needed from the heroes was for them to get Laertes's handkerchief into the hands of a young tiefling orphan girl in the Docks Ward. It seemed simple enough, so the heroes consented, and once more, with a triumphant explosion of trumpets, J.B. disappeared as quickly as he came. The heroes, leaving the bar in the "capable" hands of Kelso, Bonnie, and Threestrings, departed towards the Sea Ward, and subsequently J.B.'s store -- Nevercott's Haberdashery. Inquiring within they discovered J.B. Nevercott, and yet, he did not seem to remember speaking to them. Nevertheless, Tsunami recalled that J.B. had informed them that he had short-term memory loss, so it would make sense that he would forget them. However, he did know of Laertes, a rather... rotune man who came by at least once a day to try on the latest in fashion. Deciding to wait until he came by, the heroes staked-out the clothing store until eventually, dressed in a flashy white suit, a severely overweight man passes by people clearing the way for him, and strides into the Haberdashery. Before he can do so however, Banjo shoved Frizzt, pretending to be in some kind of argument with him, only for Frizzt to fall into Laertes. In the ensuing chaos Appotus with his quick-fingered grasped the noble's handkerchief and the group quickly made their exit. With handkerchief in hand, they headed southwards towards the Dock Ward and after some time spent for a tiefling orphan girl, they eventually found Yra holed up in a small cardboard box in one of Waterdeep's many alleyways. Consoling Yra they offered her food and water, which she hesitantly took, seeming to wonder if it was at first a trick. Obviously it was not, and the tiefling girl smiled at them, but when they handed her the handkerchief, the smile turned into a smirk. As shadows began to flit about her face she let out a distorted cackle as she snatched the handkerchief and exploded in a burst of fire, leaving nothing but the crisp monogram of L.H. in her wake.
Thank you so much for reading this, and if you'd like to read more, feel free to support me on Patreon
Also, I used this scaling guide (mine) and this faction guide (not mine) for this portion of the adventure, and the newspaper clipping comes from this amazing document, which I would highly recommend you purchase, as it's only one dollar!